For installations, constructions and equipment rentals you can contact us anytime.
The company has as object of activity the execution of works of installations and civil and industrial constructions. As an organization, the company has offices by category of professions, respectively design office, technical office, director office, accounting-legal office.
The company has implemented and maintains a quality management system, certified by the certified by the TUV RHEINLAND ROMANIA S.R.L. certification body
Ulidan SRL was established in 1999, having over 20 years of experience in this field.
The company has a space of 7000 sqm at the work point in the Industrial Park II - Oradea organized as follows:
1. Offices - administrative building;
2. Warehouse for construction materials and construction materials equipment;
3. Hall for machine repairs - Mechanical workshop;
4. Concrete platform;
5. Green areas. Our company has implemented and maintains the management certificates ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 18001.
Also, our company is authorized for "Design and execution of fire extinguishing systems and installations" (Fire prevention), and, respectively, is approved by the Oradea Water Company for the execution of water supply and sewerage works.